Resources for parents

Hayutin is a family owned and operated educational services company that provides educational therapy, executive function coaching, tutoring, homeschooling, and test prep services.

We’ve teamed up with to provide resources specifically for parents of children with learning differences and disabilities. Below, you’ll find carefully curated resources to equip you with essential information.

curated by

Hayutin Contact info:

2500 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 100
Telephone: (310) 829-7505

Our child has ADHD and struggles with Executive Functioning. Her educational therapist helped her find ways to organize and stay on top of homework. We are so grateful that we found Hayutin! Hayutin is not just a tutoring company; they have been a lifeline not only for our child but for us, as well.”

“When we started with Hayutin, we were asked about our child and her struggles. The Hayutin admin team really did a deep dive into what our child needed. We are provided with weekly progress updates so we are able to stay in the loop. Hayutin has ended our homework battles with our child, and helped heal our relationship. It has been worth every penny!”

– Jill K., parent

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Regional Center

Regional Centers all over California support individuals with disabilities and developmental delays by providing services such as therapies, social-recreational program funding, and respite for caregivers.

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Students with disabilities and learning challenges can receive personalized help, services, and accommodations through an Individualized Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan.

About Undivided

Undivided is a parent-driven support system for families raising kids with disabilities. We provide an inclusive community, experienced parent coaches, and expert-backed resources, all organized on our innovative app, to help families get more for their children.

I’m so glad you are building such a necessary service for all of the warrior parents and wonderful children in our community.”

-Undivided client

Build your roadmap for getting your child the support they need—for free.

During your Kickstart, your Navigator will work with you to plan out what you want to focus on: education, public benefits, therapies, or other important supports for your child.

Talk with your Navigator over 10 days to identify your priorities.

Learn what therapies, public benefits, and other supports you may qualify for.

Walk away with helpful resources and a 6-month plan for a clear path forward.